وظائف شاغرة لدى شركة Engicon
Engicon is looking for a skilled and motivated Electrical/Energy Engineer to work on energy projects in Engicon’s countries of operation.
-Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or Energy Engineering (if relevant to the role).
-A minimum of 2 years of experience in electrical design.
-Strong command of both written and spoken English.
-Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Suite, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.
-Excellent expertise in software tools such as AutoCAD, Revit, ETAP, DIALux Evo.
-Interest and knowledge in renewable energy field (PV, Wind, CSP, BESS, etc.)
-Familiarity with renewable energy software such as PVsyst, HOMER, RETScreen, and others is considered a strong advantage.
-Strong technical writing skills.
If you are a driven professional looking to advance your career and meet the above qualifications, we encourage you to apply by sending your resume to hr@engicon.com
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