
اعلان توظيف تعلن يونسيف عن حاجتها الى موظفين برواتب تصل 1000 دينار.

اعلان توظيف تعلن يونسيف عن حاجتها الى موظفين برواتب تصل 1000 دينار
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اعلان توظيف تعلن يونسيف عن حاجتها الى موظفين برواتب تصل 1000 دينار

Vacancy Announcement: Chief Child Protection , P4, Fixed Term, Amman, Jordan Country Office, #113408

Job no: 560180
Contract type: Fixed Term Appointment
Duty Station: Amman
Level: P-4
Location: Jordan
Categories: Child Protection
UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.

Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.

And we never give up.

For every child, Protection

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is leader in the region for the rights of its children. Working closely with the Government of Jordan, civil society, the private sector and communities, UNICEF Jordan Country Office aims to sustain results achieved for children to date, and strive to further improve policies, national institutions and programmes, for the well-being of every child in Jordan, in line with Jordan's Vision 2025 and the National Human Resources Development Strategy (2016-2025) towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Our programmes focus on improving the lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children in the Kingdom, irrespective of their nationality, gender, religion or background. Our main pillars include: Child Protection; Education; Water, Sanitation & Hygiene; Adolescent and Youth Engagement; Health and Nutrition; Social Protection; and Operations. 

How can you make a difference?

Under the close supervision and guidance of the Dep Rep Programmes, The Chief is responsible for establishing the plans of action and overseeing work progress to ensure the achievement of concrete and sustainable programme/project results according to plans, allocation, results based-management approaches and methodology (RBM) and UNICEF’s Strategic Plans, standards of performance and accountability framework.

Jordan child protection programme has been one of the leading innovators in MENARO. The new country programme requires strong collaboration with other sectors and a clear vision of system strengthening and social behavior change.  The Chief should bring together various elements of a strong programme in a coherent narrative.   The Chief will lead a team of highly qualified national staff and engage at policy level with several government entities responsible for child protection.  The Chief must be able to articulate the nexus humanitarian-development in a challenging funding context for Jordan. Specific responsibilities are highlighted below:

Managerial leadership

Establish the section’s annual work plan with the child protection team; set priorities/targets and performance measurements. Monitor work progress and ensure results are achieved according to schedule and performance standards.
Establish clear individual performance objectives, goals and timelines; and provide timely guidance to enable the team to perform their duties responsibly and efficiently. Plan and ensure timely performance management and assessment of the team.

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