
اعلان توظيف .. مطلوب موظفين للعمل لدى ( الملكية للطيران براتب 354 دينار )

اعلان توظيف .. مطلوب موظفين للعمل لدى ( الملكية للطيران براتب 354 دينار )
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اعلان توظيف .. مطلوب موظفين للعمل لدى ( الملكية للطيران براتب 354 دينار )

The position holder is responsible for ensuring a smooth acceptance of passengers through participating in the passengers’ travel experience providing the needed services (check-in, Boarding, Transfer, Baggage Services …etc.) prior and post the passenger’s flight.
 اعلان توظيف .. مطلوب موظفين للعمل لدى ( الملكية للطيران براتب 354 دينار )

مطلوب موظفين للعمل لدى الملكية للطيران براتب 500 دولار تفاصيل
Carrying out passengers check-in process within the set time limitations
Checking the serviceability of check-in counters and reporting any malfunction.
 اعلان توظيف .. مطلوب موظفين للعمل لدى ( الملكية للطيران براتب 354 دينار )

Displaying the required security and safety notifications at the check-in counters Preparing check-in counters

Keeping documents and information secured from unauthorized use in accordance with the set regulations and regulatory requirements
 اعلان توظيف .. مطلوب موظفين للعمل لدى ( الملكية للطيران براتب 354 دينار )

Handling passengers’ embarkation process in due time as per the set procedure (crown class, special needs, etc.)
 اعلان توظيف .. مطلوب موظفين للعمل لدى ( الملكية للطيران براتب 354 دينار )

Implementing the process of reporting the passengers to baggage security control in due time
Handling the delayed flights as per the set procedure
Performing the required flights related Announcements in due time
Preparing the required documents (limited release tags, Cabin baggage tags, indemnity forms ,etc.) to be available during  the boarding process and to be collected after completion of boarding  process
Carrying out transfer check -in process for passengers and their baggage within the set time limitations
Recording and handling baggage claims for destruction, loss, damage or delay, as per the set procedures
Carrying-out baggage claims handling process for Customer Airlines as per the signed agreement
Preparing baggage services counters with the required labels, voucher, forms, etc.


• Very good command of English and Arabic language
• Computer skills
• Quality and security consciousness
• Ability to work under pressure
• Customer services skills

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