
مطلوب موظفين للعمل برواتب تصل 700 دينار لدى برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي

مطلوب موظفين للعمل برواتب تصل 700 دينار لدى برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي
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مطلوب موظفين للعمل برواتب تصل 700 دينار لدى برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي

Evaluation Analyst

Under the overall guidance of the Strategic Planning Advisor and the day to day  super vision of the RBM specialist   the   Evaluation Analyst in the regional hub (Amman) contributes to the effective implementation and compliance with evaluation policies as per evaluations guidelines, ensures compliance with evaluation requirements, including planning, and implementation of evaluations, oversees the quality of evaluations and provides guidance, training and advice to country offices across the region as well as  the Regional Programme. The Evaluation Analyst ensures that evaluations plans are relevant to the country programmes and the Regional Programme and are designed and implemented to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability of results; ensures evaluations are carried out in a credible and systematic manner; lessons and recommendations are used for programme design and contribute to implementation of the UNSDCF priorities and results.

The Evaluation Analyst works closely with the Bureau of Programme and Policy Support (BPPS) and the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) at Headquarters regarding evaluation approaches and methodologies, ensuring that UNDP meets the requirements for monitoring and evaluation, including the conduct of mandatory project evaluations.

The Evaluation Analyst works in close collaboration with RBM focal points in country offices and is part of the RBM team in Amman.

Duties and Responsibilities

1.) Implementation of evaluation policies and strategies

Oversees the implementation of RBAS Evaluation Strategy and monitors the progress on the corporate key performance indicators.

Oversees/ monitors the planning, preparation, and management of thematic, country programme/project evaluations and other types of evaluations conducted in all country offices across the region as well as the Regional Programme.

Promotes evaluation standards, quality assurance/control and capacity development in all country offices across the region as well as the Regional Programme Advises country offices and the Country Support and Oversight teams on the evaluation workplans, including on the identification of topics, and projects/programme to be evaluated. Enhances coverage through promoting the use of outcome, thematic and joint evaluations for more effectiveness and efficiency.

2.) Supporting the oversight of evaluation plans and processes and providing advice to the Country Support and Oversight team

Provides technical advice to COs and the Regional Programme on the design of evaluations, by advising on the formulation of evaluation Terms of Reference, in compliance with the Evaluation Policy, guidelines and methodology.

Reviews final evaluation reports from a quality and compliance perspective and provides feedback.

Coordinates and consolidates feedback on review of thematic evaluations.

Provide guidance on UNDP evaluation policies, procedures and practices to country offices.

Provide advice on the CPD’s evaluation plans and annual plans including on compliance with requirements and relevance to progarmme outcomes, priorities and the UNSDCF.

Follow up on implementation of all evaluation plans including compliance with the 5 key performance indicators and prepare regular updates for management information and action.

3.) Facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing on monitoring and evaluation

Identify and formulate of evaluation findings, lessons learned and recommendations to be integrated into broader evaluation knowledge management efforts, disseminated in learning events, and channeled into decision-making processes.

Contribute to the implementation of Evaluation Knowledge Management and Learning Strategy through organizing webinars and information session in collaboration with BPPS and IEO and as part of the wider RBM support in the region

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